"In the original story introducing the Honda Insight to our long-term fleet, I had a bit of fun recounting that, when I first encountered the Clear Sky Blue hybrid, my knee-jerk response was "Ack, ack!" I couldn't think of a better way to greet this otherworldly automotive invader than in the mono-word language of Tim Burton's alien invaders from his classic "Mars Attacks!" (What? It's not a classic?)
But after 12 months and 19,591 miles living with Insight serial number JHMZE2H7XAS000078, the toughest questions we have aren't the usual worn sneakers about reliability and cost of ownership and so on. Strangely enough, it's its alienness. What started as a bit of fun has become the most serious question we have about the Insight. "
For more information, visit their website @ http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/oneyear/1102_2010_honda_insight_ex_verdict/index.html