2005: We celebrated our 7 years anniversary in our
old apartment.

2006: We celebrated our
8 years anniversary in our garden and Sølve proposed. He had built this
bench a few days earlier and carved a
heart on it. I sat on this bench, in beautiful evening sunlight, when he popped the question. You already know my answer ;-)

2007: We celebrated our 9 years anniversary at home with cheese and rosé.

2008: We celebrated our 10 years anniversary at home with Champagne, snacks,
roses and diamonds (
to wear for our wedding day August 9 the same year).

2009: Caption written on Flickr: How to celebrate 11 years of love. Shopping at the garden center, spend the whole day working in the garden in the bright, warm sun, champagne and dinner al fresco with candles. Bliss!

2010: We celebrated our 12 years anniversary with tulips from the garden and dinner with my sister (who stayed with us for a month doing research for her master thesis).

2011: We celebrated our 13 years anniversary with dinner out followed by sunset and dessert at home.
This post is inspired by Sandra's similar